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The services that CornucopiaFP provide include;

Super and Investments

Providing an appropriate investment strategy to deliver your goals. (Including advice on managed funds, shares, tax-efficient investments, superannuation etc)


Ensuring that in the event of the unfortunate occurring that you /your family’s  financial lifestyle will be protected. (Including advice on Life, Total & Permanent Disability, Critical Illness, Income Protection and Business Expenses Insurances)

Ensuring that you have the correct debt structure to deliver the required outcome in the most efficient manner (Including advice on home loans, lines of credit, margin loans, equipment loans, etc.)

Estate/Succession Planning 
In both business and personal life, making sure that the correct structures are in place to ensure that the right assets pass to the right people at the right time, in the most tax efficient manner possible. 

Tax Planning 
Ensuring that the best structures are in place to take advantage of any available tax efficiencies to leverage the best outcomes. 

Salary Packaging 
Providing advice regarding the use of appropriate available salary packaging benefits.

Providing the tools and ongoing advice to ensure that the requirements of today are met and balanced, with the goals of tomorrow.


Aged Care Advice

Making informed decisions about aged care is incredibly important. Making the wrong decision can have a far-reaching consequences for the whole family.


We, as professional financial planners, acknowledge that we cannot be experts in every field. It is crucial that, where required, appropriate experts are used to provide tax advice, legal advice etc.

Therefore, in order to provide the best outcomes for our clients, we must work in conjunction with your accountant, solicitor or other professionals as required. If you do not have a strong relationship with an appropriate professional, we are able to refer you to specialists of the highest standard who embrace the teamwork approach. 



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© Copyright CornucopiaFP Pty Ltd 2016

Cornucopia FP Pty Ltd ACN 131 679 064 ATF Cornucopia Unit Trust ABN 46 734 010 794 is an authorised representative of Count Financial Limited ABN 19 001 974 625 holder of Australian financial services licence number 227232 (“Count”). Count is owned by Count Limited ABN 111 26 990 832 of GPO Box 1453, Sydney NSW 2001. Count Limited is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.

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